Symptoms of autism

The first signs of autism may appear before the age of 3 years. However, it sometimes happens that as early as infancy, parents notice that their child is developing differently. There is no general picture of the disorder, but parents should pay special attention to certain behaviors of the child.

  • bioacoustic CORRECTION

  • multisensory THERAPY




How do I recognize the first signs of autism?

Your child:

  • Does not speak or has difficulty with speech.
  • Does not engage in relationships or interactions with others.
  • Demonstrates stereotypical behaviors and play (e.g., waving hands, using unusual objects for play, arranging toys in long rows).
  • Does not make eye contact.
  • He does not imitate the behavior of others or parents
  • Does not follow simple commands (e.g., sit down, give a toy or object).
  • Has difficulty concentrating.

Signs of autism related to speech and communication disorders

  • Symptoms of autism relate largely to the area of communication. The child may have problems establishing contacts and normal conversations with others.
  • The first signal that a parent should pay attention to is the absence of babbling. In addition to a lack of speech, it may also include poor facial expressions and infrequent displays of emotion.

Difficulty in establishing contact with the child.

Parents of children who are later diagnosed with autism often recall that there were situations as early as infancy where the child’s eyes would wander and appear absent.

Symptoms of autism spectrum conditions can be noticeable when parents and peers try to engage the child in play or other cooperative activities. It may be the child’s lack of response to a given toy or object.

Pay special attention to the child’s reaction when you try to communicate with them by smiling or calling their name. A consistent lack of response to these communications can be considered alarming.

Other signs of autism spectrum disorder

  • Routine activities. An autistic child often plays in the same way, with the same toy for hours on end – so suspicion may be raised when a child feels good doing routine activities for long periods of time.
  • Staring at one point for long periods of time. This could be staring at a clock for hours, washing clothes in the washing machine, or using the car wipers.
  • Not getting attached to people who come to your home periodically. At first glance, it may seem like a child is ignoring the arrival of grandma or an aunt, but it may actually be a signal of frustration.
  • The child doesn’t like to be touched or even won’t allow himself to be touched. Parents should find out the cause of this behavior and consult a specialist.
  • Stereotypical behavior, such as waving his hands without reason or spinning in circles for a long time. These are specific enough that parents are able to notice whether it is a momentary amusement or a periodic, unjustified activity. Self-stimulation. This is a behavior designed to elicit sensory experiences. During self-stimulation, the child focuses maximum attention on them and usually cannot focus on processing other stimuli from the environment. These behaviors can stimulate each of the five senses. Examples: bouncing, waving hands, tapping on a table, rocking rhythmically in different directions, or walking in a circle. Self-stimulation can occur all the time or only at certain times, such as when you are bored, anxious, or stressed.
  • Pattern living. Autistic people often develop patterns of behavior that allow them to cope with typical activities, such as pouring the same amount of drink into a glass or always dressing in the same order. These patterns often resemble rituals associated with everyday situations, such as going to the store, going to school, or even asking the same question. A child with autism may expect the same answer every time he or she asks a question.

Autism is an ocean of possibilities. The symptoms mentioned are only indicative – they can occur in autistic children in varying configurations and intensities. If you notice any of them in your child, ask for a referral to a facility that offers diagnosis or use private clinics.


Storzhuk Alexander Mikhailovich

CEO DV clinic, psychophysiologist


Сторожук Мария Викторовна

Storzhuk Maria Victorovna

Co-founder, psychologist, certified specialist of bioacoustic correction method


Макаренко Светлана Николаевна

Makarenko Svetlana Nikolayevna

Psychiatrist. Doctor of the highest category


Надоненко Александр

Nadonenko Alexander Nikolayevich

Doctor of functional diagnostics of the highest category


Скоробогатова Ольга Валентиновна

Skorobogatova Olga Valentinovna

Neurologist. Doctor of the highest category. Candidate of medical sciences


Грищук Виктория Викторовна

Grishchuk Viktoriya Viktorovna

Paediatrician, Neurologist, Ultrasound specialist, Osteopath.


Мілюшин Михайло

Milyushin Mikhail



Врач-диетолог Суслова Наталья

Suslova Natalia Alexandrovna

Doctor internist, cardiologist, candidate of medicine. PhD, specialist in clinical biochemistry


Пильщикова Ирина Сергеевна

Pilshchikova Irina Sergeevna

Nutriciologist, specialist in functional integrative nutrition, rehabilitation therapist


Безугла Тетяна

Bezglaya Tatiana

Speech therapist-defectologist


Люта Юлія

Lyuta Yuliya

Speech pathologist-defectologist


Марущенко Алена

Marushchenko Alyona

Neuropsychologist, psychodiagnostician


Виктория Иллюша

Illusha Victoria

Child, correctional psychologist


Дарья Третьякова

Darya Tretiakova

Psychologist, neuropsychologist


Tertova Valeria

Psychologist, assistant neuropsychologist


Alekseenko Anna

Medical psychologist, audio-vocal training support specialist


Кондратенко Валерия

Kondratenko Valeria

Psychologist, specialist in accompanying audio-vocal classes



Victoria Romanchenko

Psychologist, specialist in accompanying audio-vocal classes


Ekaterina Bryleva



Максімова Марія

Maksimova Maria

Psychologist, specialist in accompanying audio-vocal classes


Мазур Богдан

Mazur Bogdan Petrovich

Psychologist, masseur


Галкіна Ольга

Galkina Olga

Physical rehabilitation therapist, massage therapist


Iskritskaya Vlasta

Physical Rehabilitation Specialist


Евгений Шевченко

Evgeny Shevchenko

Chiropractor, osteopath



Darya Babenko

Project Manager DV clinic


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We have collected innovative world methods of correction and rehabilitation of psychophysiological activity so that each client can feel for themselves and their loved ones the result of the development of modern psychophysiological science.

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str. Andriy Verkhoglyad, 4
