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- Storzhuk Alexander Mikhailovich
- Storzhuk Maria Victorovna
- Makarenko Svetlana Nikolayevna
- Nadonenko Alexander Nikolayevich
- Skorobogatova Olga Valentinovna
- Grishchuk Viktoriya Viktorovna
- Milyushin Mikhail
- Suslova Natalia Alexandrovna
- Pilshchikova Irina Sergeevna
- Bezglaya Tatiana
- Popovich Elena Ivanovna
- Lyuta Yuliya
- Marushchenko Alyona
- Illusha Victoria
- Darya Tretiakova
- Tertova Valeria
- Alekseenko Anna
- Kondratenko Valeria
- Victoria Romanchenko
- Maksimova Maria
- Yanchuk Elizabeth
- Mazur Bogdan Petrovich
- Galkina Olga
- Iskritskaya Vlasta
- Evgeny Shevchenko
- Darya Babenko
- ABA therapy
- Accurate ADHD Diagnosis (MOXO Test)
- Art therapy
- Audiovisual training (MINDALIVEinc)
- Autism diagnosis method CASD
- Biological feedback (biofeedback therapy/biofeedback therapy)
- Bos therapy (biofeedback) Complex “AmblyokorTM – 01-ZRS”
- Cerebellar stimulation using a stable platform and elements of biofeedback communication
- Classes with a speech therapist-defectologist
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Correctional sessions with a psychologist
- Electroencephalography in children (EEG)
- Electromyostimulation (myoneurostimulation, myostimulation)
- FORBRAIN methodology
- Kinesiotaping
- Kinesis BOS system with brainbit neurointerface
- Mindflex
- Neurocorrection
- Neurofeedback therapy (Bioacoustic correction)
- Neurotraining for adults
- Overnight video EEG monitoring
- Oxygen therapy
- PECS Alternative Communication Method
- Pure-Purr Neurostimulation (Relaxation and sleep)
- Reflexotherapy
- Reoencephalography (REG)
- Sensory integration
- Soterix Medical tDCS transcranial micropolarisation system
- SOUNDSORY multisensory therapy
- Speech therapy massage
- Speech therapy rhythmics
- The Tomatis Method
- Therapeutic massage
- Therapeutic physical training (TPT)
- Tomatis® Bone Conduction Kit
- Transcranial micropolarization
- АВА (Applied Behavior Analysis)