To whom is therapeutic massage recommended?
Therapeutic and preventive massage can be prescribed for a wide range of pathological conditions. First of all, these are problems associated with circulatory disorders. The most common example is blood circulation problems in the cervical region, which can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain tissue and cause increased sleepiness, lethargy, headaches, concentration problems. Various factors can provoke this, including slouching, muscle spasms, cervical curvature, leading to constriction of blood vessels. Properly performed massage will improve blood circulation and significantly improve the condition.
Massage is recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment for children with orthopaedic and neurological disorders. Therapeutic massage can be used to improve the condition of the nervous system and thus eliminate headaches and muscle pains of neurological nature.
The method is also successfully used for rehabilitation after traumas and infectious diseases.
Proven international techniques for effective neurorehabilitation
Normalisation and improvement of neurophysiological potential in children and adults
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A unique institution that combines medicine, psychology, biophysics, and functional diagnostics.
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