For children, courses are required for deprivation:
- ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder);
- aggression and impulsivity;
- school adjustment problems;
- delayed speech development;
- dyslexia (problem with reading), dysgraphia (disordered writing) and dyscalculia (inability to learn arithmetic);
- phobias and social isolation (in peer groups);
- shyness and insecurity;
- Asperger’s syndrome.
- emotional control of psychosomatic tensions;
- prevention of Tourette’s syndrome;
- deprivation of aggression, neuroses and anxiety;
- elimination of insomnia, depression, migraines and chronic headaches;
- activation of thought processes;
- prevention of absent-mindedness.
For persons with psycho-emotional disorders, the courses are designed to:
- improvement of mental state;
- reduction of stress and chronic fatigue;
- control of emotions, increase creativity;
- improve memory and concentration.
The results of psycho-emotional correction with the use of the Biofeedback system “Kinesis” with BrainBit neurointerface:
- The efficiency of learning activity in schoolchildren and students increases;
- Intellectual activity, creativity and accuracy of tasks fulfilment under stress or time rapidity increases in healthy people;
- Reading, spelling and arithmetic abilities are restored;
- Mental state is improved.
Proven international techniques for effective neurorehabilitation
Normalisation and improvement of neurophysiological potential in children and adults
A team of specialists who work within a common scientific approach
A unique institution that combines medicine, psychology, biophysics, and functional diagnostics.
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