Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger syndrome is a term that is sometimes used to describe a developmental disorder that is part of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). People with this type of RAS tend to have difficulty interacting socially with others. They tend to have very specific routines, have a narrow range of interests, and act in repetitive ways, such as clapping their hands.

Doctors sometimes refer to Asperger’s syndrome as a ‘high-functioning’ type of RAS, meaning that its symptoms are usually not as severe as other types of autism spectrum disorder

  • bioacoustic CORRECTION

  • multisensory THERAPY




History of Asperger’s syndrome

Asperger’s syndrome was named after Hans Asperger, a physician from Vienna during the Nazi Party’s reign. In the 1940s, Asperger was the first to draw attention to the pattern of social problems in some children under his care that now defines the disorder. Much of the information that experts know today about Asperger’s syndrome comes from the writings of Hans Asperger.

Some argue that Asperger created language to describe children with higher levels of autism to save them from Nazi policies. But new research shows a much more complex picture of how the label has harmed people and even led to the deaths of some children.


Symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome

Asperger’s symptoms show up at an early age. Most are diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 9, although some people become adults before they are diagnosed. No two people have the same symptoms. But they are usually related to emotional, communication, and behavioral skills.

People with the disorder may:

  • Experience difficulty with eye contact
  • Feel and behave awkwardly on social networks
  • Experience difficulty responding to people in conversation
  • Overlook social cues that other people think are obvious
  • Not understanding what facial expressions mean
  • Show little emotion
  • Speaking in a flat, robotic tone.
  • Talk a lot about one topic, such as rocks or soccer statistics.
  • Repeat words, phrases or movements
  • Dislike change

Symptoms of Asperger’s in adults

No symptoms are specific to adults, although some are more common, including:

  • Clumsiness
  • Weak speech skills
  • Obsession with a single topic
  • Social difficulties, difficulty adapting socially
  • Hypersensitivity

Diagnosis of Asperger’s

If you notice signs of Asperger’s syndrome in your child, contact your pediatrician. They may refer you to a mental health expert who specializes in ASD. The doctor will likely ask questions about your child’s behavior, including:

  • What are their symptoms and when did you first notice them?
  • When did your child first learn to speak and how do they communicate?
  • Are they focused on any objects or activities?
  • Do they have friends and how do they socialize with others?

Doctors who diagnose Asperger’s syndrome include:

  • Psychologists. They diagnose and treat problems with emotions and behavior.
  • Neurologists.
  • Developmental pediatricians. They specialize in speech and language problems, as well as other developmental problems in children.
  • Psychiatrists. They have experience with mental health disorders and can prescribe medications to treat them.

The disorder is often treated with a team approach. This means that you or your child may see more than one doctor about treatment for RAS.


Treatment for Asperger syndrome

Everyone is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Treatment may include:

  • Social skills training. In groups or individual sessions, therapists teach you or your child how to interact with others and express themselves in more appropriate ways.
  • Speech-language therapy. This helps improve communication skills. This therapy can also help you learn how to maintain two-way conversations and understand social cues such as hand gestures and eye contact.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This helps change thinking patterns so you or your child can better control emotions and repetitive behaviors.
  • Applied behavior analysis. This method encourages positive social and communication skills and discourages ineffective behaviors.
  • Medication therapy (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), antipsychotic medications, stimulants)
  • Parent education and training.


Storzhuk Alexander Mikhailovich

CEO DV clinic, psychophysiologist


Сторожук Мария Викторовна

Storzhuk Maria Victorovna

o-founder, psychologist, certified specialist in Positive Psychotherapy, psychophysiologist


Макаренко Светлана Николаевна

Makarenko Svetlana Nikolayevna

Psychiatrist. Doctor of the highest category


Надоненко Александр

Nadonenko Alexander Nikolayevich

Doctor of functional diagnostics of the highest category


Skorobogatova Olga Valentinovna

Neurologist. Doctor of the highest category. Candidate of medical sciences


Грищук Виктория Викторовна

Grishchuk Viktoriya Viktorovna

Paediatrician, Neurologist, Ultrasound specialist, Osteopath.


Мілюшин Михайло

Milyushin Mikhail



Врач-диетолог Суслова Наталья

Suslova Natalia Alexandrovna

Doctor internist, cardiologist, candidate of medicine. PhD, specialist in clinical biochemistry


Пильщикова Ирина Сергеевна

Pilshchikova Irina Sergeevna

Nutriciologist, specialist in functional integrative nutrition, rehabilitation therapist


Безугла Тетяна

Bezglaya Tatiana

Speech therapist-defectologist


Popovich Elena Ivanovna

Speech therapist of the highest category, oligophrenopedagogue, defectologist.


Люта Юлія

Lyuta Yuliya

Speech pathologist-defectologist


Марущенко Алена

Marushchenko Alyona

Neuropsychologist, psychodiagnostician


Виктория Иллюша

Illusha Victoria

Child, correctional psychologist


Darya Tretiakova

Psychologist, neuropsychologist, instructor of behavioral therapy at RBT/IBT/ABAT level


Tertova Valeria

Psychologist, assistant neuropsychologist


Alekseenko Anna

Medical psychologist, audio-vocal training support specialist


Кондратенко Валерия

Kondratenko Valeria

Psychologist, specialist in accompanying audio-vocal classes



Victoria Romanchenko

Psychologist, specialist in accompanying audio-vocal classes


Максімова Марія

Maksimova Maria

Psychologist, specialist in accompanying audio-vocal classes


Yanchuk Elizabeth



Мазур Богдан

Mazur Bogdan Petrovich

Psychologist, masseur


Галкіна Ольга

Galkina Olga

Physical rehabilitation therapist, massage therapist


Iskritskaya Vlasta

Physical Rehabilitation Specialist


Евгений Шевченко

Evgeny Shevchenko

Chiropractor, osteopath



Darya Babenko

Project Manager DV clinic


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We have collected innovative world methods of correction and rehabilitation of psychophysiological activity so that each client can feel for themselves and their loved ones the result of the development of modern psychophysiological science.

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