Speech therapy rhythmics

A means of non-specific influence on speech and non-speech disorders, the central link of which is traditionally considered to be a rhythmic system of exercises based on the connection of movements with music and speech.






Rhythmic, clear exercises for legs, arms, trunk and head develop general motor skills, prepare for the improvement of movements of the articulation apparatus, as well as stimulate brain development and, consequently, speech development.

Logorhythmic classes are aimed at all-round development of the child, improvement of his speech, mastering of motor skills, ability to orientate in the surrounding world, understanding of the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, to express oneself creatively. Under the influence of regular logorithmic exercises, the organism undergoes reorganisation of various systems, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, speech-motor, cognitive and others.

With the help of logorithmic exercises we develop children comprehensively:

  • relieving emotional and muscular tension;
  • reduction of impulsiveness and development of the skill of following instructions;
  • development of speech and articulation (sound pronunciation);
  • development of the sense of rhythm and musical hearing;
  • development of skills of interaction with each other;
  • development of attention, perception, speech and imagination;
  • development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, movement coordination;
  • development of play skills, arbitrary behaviour.

Logopaedic rhythmics includes:

Walking in different directions; exercises for the development of breathing, voice and articulation; exercises regulating muscle tone, activating attention; speech exercises without musical accompaniment; exercises forming a sense of musical tempo; rhythmic exercises; singing; exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

The main principle of all these types of work is a close connection with music. Music with its enormous emotional influence allows endless variety of movement techniques and character of exercises.


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Proven international techniques for effective neurorehabilitation

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Normalisation and improvement of neurophysiological potential in children and adults

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A team of specialists who work within a common scientific approach

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A unique institution that combines medicine, psychology, biophysics, and functional diagnostics.

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