Speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage is an active method of influencing the speech organs, which corrects the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues.

Such a massage is carried out by a speech therapist who is skilled in the technique of special massage, has been trained, knows the anatomy and physiology of the muscles that provide the speech act.

Who is recommended speech therapy massage?

The main indications for speech therapy massage:

  • stuttering;
  • dysarthria;
  • alalia;
  • rhinolalia;
  • aphasia;
  • hypersalivation;
  • hypotonia – low muscle tone;
  • hypertonia – increased muscle tone;
  • dystonia – variable muscle tone;
  • hyperkinesis;
  • paresis of articulatory organs;
  • disorders of kinaesthetic sensations, i.e. sensations of the position and movements of the articulatory organs.





What problems can speech therapy massage help to solve?

Quite often pronunciation problems are associated with a violation of the tone of the articulation muscles. This occurs when the muscles of the tongue, lips, soft palate, cheeks are underdeveloped, or there are problems with their innervation.

Also, the articulation apparatus may not be well supplied with blood, and this can also cause a violation of sound pronunciation. Such anomalies can be evidenced by slurred speech, mumbling, distortion of sounds.

Speech therapy massage has a stimulating effect, improves blood supply, helps to relax the necessary areas, train the muscles involved in the pronunciation of sounds.

During the massage significantly improves the motor skills of the articulation apparatus, improves the tone of the muscles involved in the formation of speech and pronunciation of sounds. Also massage activates the nervous system and the body’s own resources.

Types of speech therapy massage

There are several types of speech therapy massage:

  • Classical manual massage, which is carried out directly on or near the affected area. The main techniques are stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.
  • Probe massage. Most often used in dysarthria and is designed to improve the work of the speech apparatus, due to the activation of the activity of certain areas of the organs of articulation.
  • Point massage, during which pressure is applied to certain biologically active points.
  • Apparatus speech therapy massage. It is done with the help of special devices that involve vibration, vacuum and other methods of impact on the articulation zone.

The type of massage is selected individually for a particular child.

How is the speech therapy massage.

Speech therapy massage can be carried out at the initial stage of complex speech therapy correction or throughout the course at intervals.

During the procedure, the child can sit on a chair or lie on the couch on the side, on the stomach or on the back – depending on the task at hand.

When performing the massage, consider the age of the child. Infants, children under 3 years – 5-10 minutes, preschoolers – 15-20 minutes, children over 7 years-20-30 minutes. Frequency 2-3 times a week. The course of 10-15 sessions.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure, what effect can be expected?

The effectiveness of the sessions can be traced by the following signs:

  • normalises the tone of the muscles involved in speech;
  • increases the amplitude of articulation movements;
  • elimination of spasm;
  • strengthening of the swallowing reflex;
  • normalisation of salivation;
  • stimulation of the muscles responsible for the production of sounds;
  • helping the child to understand the zones of the articulation apparatus.


Protipokazannya for speech therapy massage:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • infectious, fungal skin diseases;
  • allergic skin diseases;
  • lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • herpes rashes on the lips;
  • diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, stomatitis; nosebleeds;
  • various forms of allergic reactions: diathesis, urticaria and others;

Useful to know

Logopedic massage is a highly effective method for those who want to cope with speech disorders. Its main purpose is, in particular, to reduce cramping of the muscles of the speech apparatus, stimulation of the proprioceptive system, activation of muscles with insufficient contraction ability, formation of coordinated movements of the organs of articulation and, as a result, improvement of speech.


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