Bos therapy (biofeedback) Complex “AmblyokorTM – 01-ZRS”

Adaptive self-regulation of human psycho-emotional state with application of video computer autotraining on the basis of “AMBLIOCORTM-01P” complex






Hardware complex “AmblyocorTM-01R”

It is designed for conducting training sessions with video-computer external feedback on skin-galvanic reaction, heart rate, electromyogram and photoplethysmogram.

The complex implements neurobiocontrol technology, when each spontaneous deviation of physiological parameters is associated with positive or negative motivational stimuli. If the patient behaves correctly, the patient’s chosen film is playing on the computer screen; if the patient behaves incorrectly, the screen goes out. Normalisation of the psychophysiological state and development of new stable dynamic stereotypes of behaviour, skills and functional state is achieved by activation, restoration and training of endogenous self-regulation mechanisms.

The main indications for the use of video computer-external feedback:

Hardware complex “Autorelax” (“AmblyokorTM-01P”) is designed for prevention and treatment of psychophysiological disadaptation, diseases of mental, neurotic, psychoemotional, psychosomatic, somatoform, behavioural and neuroendocrine genesis, anti-stress care and relaxation.

To this group of pathological conditions, first of all, neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders should be attributed:

  • Phobic anxiety disorders.
  • Panic states (episodic paroxysmal anxiety).
  • Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • A response to severe stress and impaired adaptation.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Disorders of adaptive responses.
  • Dissociative (conversion disorders).
  • Somatoform autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
  • Other neurotic disorders.

The specialist can also successfully use video-computer external feedback to relieve psycho-emotional and muscular tension in the complex treatment of a number of mental disorders and behavioural disorders beginning in childhood and adolescence, pathological addiction diseases (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking), psychosomatic disorders.


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Proven international techniques for effective neurorehabilitation

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Normalisation and improvement of neurophysiological potential in children and adults

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A team of specialists who work within a common scientific approach

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A unique institution that combines medicine, psychology, biophysics, and functional diagnostics.

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