Пильщикова Ирина Сергеевна

Pilshchikova Irina Sergeevna

Nutriciologist, specialist in functional integrative nutrition, rehabilitation therapist


Graduated from the Institute of Functional Integrative Dietetics, specialist in the field of therapeutic nutrition, nutriciology, craniosacral therapist.

Participation in associations:

  • Member of the Association of Nutriciologists of Ukraine,
  • member of the League of Nutritionists and Nutritionists.

Areas of work:

  • therapeutic nutrition for children and adults;
  • detoxification and unloading dietary therapy;
  • microbial nutrition and differentiated dietary interventions for GI disorders;
  • elimination of deficiencies in the body.

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098 7135618
063 7308642


Ukraine, Kiev
str. Andriy Verkhoglyad, 4

